Monday 16 October 2017

Equity alternativ handelsstrategier

En handbok för alternativ Trading Strategies för nybörjare Alternativ är villkorliga derivatkontrakt som tillåter köpare av kontrakten a. k.a optionsinnehavarna att köpa eller sälja en säkerhet till ett valt pris. Optionsköpare debiteras ett belopp som kallas en premie av säljarna för en sådan rättighet. Skulle marknadspriserna vara ogynnsamma för optionsinnehavarna, kommer de låta optionen löpa ut värdelös och därigenom säkerställa att förlusterna inte är högre än premien. I motsats till detta, alternativa säljare, a. k.a optionsskrivare tar större risk än köpoptionsköpare, varför de kräver denna premie. (Läs mer om: Alternativ Grundläggande). Alternativen är uppdelade i samtals - och säljalternativ. Ett köpoption är där köparen av kontraktet köper rätten att köpa den underliggande tillgången i framtiden till ett förutbestämt pris, kallat lösenpris eller aktiekurs. Ett köpoption är där köparen förvärvar rätten att sälja den underliggande tillgången i framtiden till det förutbestämda priset. Varför handla alternativ snarare än en direkt tillgång Det finns några fördelar med handelsalternativ. Chicago Board of Option Exchange (CBOE) är den största utbytet i världen som erbjuder alternativ på ett stort antal enskilda aktier och index. (Se: Har Options Sellers En Trading Edge). Handlare kan konstruera alternativstrategier som sträcker sig från enkla som vanligtvis med ett enda alternativ till mycket komplexa som involverar flera samtidiga alternativpositioner. Följande är grundläggande alternativstrategier för nybörjare. (Se även: 10 alternativstrategier att veta). Köp samtal långt samtal Detta är den föredragna positionen för handlare som är: Bullish på ett visst lager eller index och vill inte riskera sin kapital vid nedåtriktad rörelse. Önskar ta hävstångsvinster på bearish marknaden. Alternativ är leveransinstrument som gör det möjligt för handlare att förstärka förmånen genom att riskera mindre belopp än vad som annars skulle krävas om den underliggande tillgången handlade om sig själv. Standardoptioner på ett enda aktie motsvarar i storlek 100 aktier. Med handelsalternativ kan investerare utnyttja leveransalternativ. Antag att en näringsidkare vill investera cirka 5000 i Apple (AAPL), handlas kring 127 per aktie. Med detta belopp kan han köpa 39 aktier till 4953. Antag då att aktiekursen ökar mellan 10 och 140 under de närmaste två månaderna. Ignorera eventuella mäklar-, provisions - eller transaktionsavgifter kommer handlarportföljen att stiga till 5448, vilket ger näringsidkaren en nettoläntesats på 448 eller cirka 10 på den investerade kapitalen. Med tanke på de näringsidkare som kan få tillgång till investeringar kan heshe köpa 9 alternativ för 4,997,65. Kontraktstorleken är 100 Apple-aktier, så näringsidkaren gör en uppgörelse på 900 Apple-aktier. I enlighet med ovanstående scenario, om priset stiger till 140 vid utgången av den 15 maj 2015, kommer utdelarna från optionspositionen att vara följande: Nettovinst från positionen blir 11 700 4 997,65 6 795 eller en 135 avkastning på investerat kapital, en mycket större avkastning jämfört med att den underliggande tillgången handlas direkt. Risk för strategin: Handlarens potentiella förlust från ett långt samtal är begränsat till det betalda premiet. Potentiell vinst är obegränsat, vilket innebär att utdelningen kommer att öka lika mycket som de underliggande tillgångsprisökningarna. (Läs mer i: Hantera Risk med Options Strategier: Lång och Kort samtal och Placera positioner). Köpa sätter lång sättning Det här är den föredragna positionen för näringsidkare som är: Bearish på en underliggande avkastning men vill inte ta risken för negativ rörelse i en kort säljstrategi. Önskar dra nytta av levererad position. Om en näringsidkare är baisse på marknaden kan han kort sälja en tillgång som Microsoft (MSFT) till exempel. Att köpa ett köpoption på aktierna kan dock vara en alternativ strategi. En säljoption gör det möjligt för näringsidkaren att dra nytta av positionen om aktiekursens pris faller. Om å andra sidan priset ökar kan näringsidkaren sedan låta alternativet löpa ut värdelöst och förlora endast premien. (Mer information finns i: Utgångscykler för lageroptioner). Risk för strategin: Potentiell förlust är begränsad till det premie som betalats för optionen (kostnaden för alternativet multiplicerat kontraktstorlek). Eftersom långfristens avbetalningsfunktion definieras som max (lösenpris - aktiekurs - 0) är maximivinst från positionen begränsad, eftersom aktiekursen inte kan sjunka under noll (Se diagrammet). Detta är den föredragna positionen för näringsidkare som: Förväntar sig ingen förändring eller en viss ökning av det underliggande priset. Vill begränsa uppåtspotentialen i utbyte mot begränsat nackskydd. Den täckta samtalsstrategin innebär en kort position i ett köpoption och en lång position i den underliggande tillgången. Den långa positionen säkerställer att kortsamtalskretsen kommer att leverera det underliggande priset om den långa handlaren utövar alternativet. Med ett ur köpoptionsalternativet samlar en näringsidkare ett litet antal premier, vilket också möjliggör begränsad upside potential. (Läs mer i: Förstå av pengarna). Samlad premie täcker eventuella negativa förluster till viss del. Sammanfattningsvis replikerar strategin syntetiskt det korta säljalternativet, som illustreras i diagrammet nedan. Antag att den 20 mars 2015 använder en näringsidkare 39 000 för att köpa 1000 aktier i BP (BP) på 39 per aktie och skriver samtidigt en 45 köpoption till kostnaden för 0,35 och löper ut den 10 juni. Nettoresultatet från denna strategi är ett utflöde på 38.650 (0.351.000 391.000) och därigenom minskar de totala investeringsutgifterna med premien på 350 insamlade från kortkortsoptionspositionen. Strategin i detta exempel innebär att näringsidkaren inte förväntar sig att priset ska röra sig över 45 eller betydligt under 39 under de kommande tre månaderna. Förluster i aktieportföljen upp till 350 (om priset sjunker till 38,65) kommer att kompenseras av det premie som erhållits från optionspositionen, sålunda kommer ett begränsat nackskydd att ges. (För mer information, se: Klipp ned alternativrisk med täckta samtal). Risk för strategin: Om aktiekursen ökar mer än 45 vid utgången av dagen, kommer kortkortsoptionen att utövas och näringsidkaren måste leverera aktieportföljen, förlora den helt. Om aktiekursen sjunker betydligt under 39 t. ex. 30, kommer optionen att upphöra att vara värdelös, men aktieportföljen kommer också att förlora betydande värde betydligt en liten ersättning som motsvarar premiebeloppet. Denna position skulle föredras av handlare som äger den underliggande tillgången och vill ha nackdelskydd. Strategin innebär en lång position i den underliggande tillgången samt en lång säljoptionsposition. (För relaterad läsning, se: En alternativ täckt köpoptionshandelsstrategi). En alternativ strategi skulle vara att sälja den underliggande tillgången, men näringsidkaren kanske inte vill likvida portföljen. Kanske för att heshe förväntar sig en hög kapitalvinst på lång sikt och därför söker skydd på kort sikt. Om det underliggande priset ökar vid förfallodagen. Alternativet upphör att vara värdelöst och näringsidkaren förlorar premien men har fortfarande fördelen av det ökade underliggande priset som han innehar. Å andra sidan, om det underliggande priset minskar, förlorar handlarens portföljposition värde men denna förlust är till stor del täckt av vinsten från den köpoptionsposition som utövas under de givna omständigheterna. Därför kan den skyddande putpositionen betraktas som en försäkringsstrategi. Den näringsidkare kan ställa utnyttjandepriset under det nuvarande priset för att minska premieutbetalningen på bekostnad av minskat nackskydd. Detta kan anses vara avdragsgill försäkring. Antag exempelvis att en investerare köper 1000 aktier i Coca-Cola (KO) till ett pris av 40 och vill skydda investeringen mot negativa prisrörelser under de kommande tre månaderna. Följande säljalternativ är tillgängliga: 15 juni 2015 alternativ Tabellen innebär att kostnaden för skyddet ökar med dess nivå. Till exempel, om näringsidkaren vill skydda investeringsportföljen mot eventuella prisfall, kan han köpa 10 köpoptioner till ett pris på 40. Med andra ord kan han köpa ett pengar som är mycket dyrt. Den näringsidkare kommer sluta betala 4 250 för detta alternativ. Men om näringsidkaren är villig att tolerera någon nivå av nackdelrisk. han kan välja mindre dyr ut ur pengarna alternativ som en 35 sats. I det här fallet kommer kostnaden för optionspositionen att vara mycket lägre, endast 2.250. Risk för strategin: Om priset på det underliggande fallet minskar den potentiella förlusten av den övergripande strategin av skillnaden mellan inledande aktiekurs och aktiekurs plus premie betald för optionen. I exemplet ovan, till aktiekursen 35, är förlusten begränsad till 7,25 (40-352,25). Under tiden kommer den potentiella förlusten av strategin som gäller för pengarna att vara begränsad till optionspremien. Alternativ erbjuder alternativa strategier för investerare att dra nytta av handel med underliggande värdepapper. Det finns olika strategier som innefattar olika kombinationer av optioner, underliggande tillgångar och andra derivat. Grundläggande strategier för nybörjare är att köpa samtal, köpa sälj, sälja täckt samtal och köpa skyddande sätta, medan andra strategier med alternativ skulle kräva mer sofistikerad kunskap och färdigheter i derivat. Det finns fördelar med handelsalternativ snarare än underliggande tillgångar, till exempel nackskydd och levererad avkastning, men det finns också nackdelar som kravet på premiepremie. Vill du lära dig hur man investerar Få en gratis 10-veckors e-postserie som lär dig hur du börjar investera. Levereras två gånger i veckan, rakt till din inkorg. Exklusiv metod för handel alternativ ger dig. kvot Ett nästan riskfritt sätt att göra en VD-nivåinkomst på aktiemarknaden oavsett ekonomiska villkor och oavsett om marknaden går upp, ner eller sidansquot Lyssna, om du är som de flesta idag, är du förmodligen trött på att göra nästa till ingenting på dina investeringar. Trött att se din pensionsportfölj (och planer) sakta sakta bort. Trött på att få samma gamla dumma avkastning på marknaden. Trött att bli bummed ut varje gång du tittar på din 401k. Låter något av detta bekanta Om så är fallet läs resten av detta brev för att upptäcka hur du enkelt kan vända det där med hjälp av kraft och hävstång av säkra, lågriskalternativ med hög avkastning för att göra ett konsekvent månatligt intäkter på marknaden . Från: David Vallieres och Tim Warren Måndag 5:30 Oavsett om du är en erfaren näringsidkare eller en komplett nybörjare, är du på väg att upptäcka alternativ inte nästan lika komplicerade eller riskfyllda som du har blivit ledd att tro. Sanningen är, de flesta, även många erfarna börsmäklare, förstår inte bara alternativ. Du ser att aktier har funnits för bokstavligen hundratals år, men listade alternativ är relativt nya. De är bara lite över 40 år gamla. Så det är förståeligt att de flesta inte vet hur de fungerar. Det är där jag kommer in. Du ser, jag har tillbringat de senaste 23 åren studerar, lärde mig, planerat, testade och perfekta ett enkelt system för handelsalternativ. Det systemet - låter min familj och jag leva en livsstil som de flesta människor bara kan drömma om. (OBS: Kursen innehåller fullstoringsvideor så att du kan se allt tydligt.) Och nu, jag här delar det systemet med dig först, se till att du förstår vilka alternativ som är. Du kanske redan vet, men bara om du donrsquot, låt mig ge dig ett enkelt exempel för att illustrera hur alternativen fungerar: Letrsquos säger att du ser en annons i ditt lokala papper för ett par blå jeans. Din lokala klädaffär driver en försäljning på dem, och i de närmaste tre dagarna är de bara 30. Men när du gör det till affären säljs alla av din storlek. För att hålla dig som en lycklig kund, erbjuder butikskonsulenten dig en regnkontroll. Det ger dig rätt att köpa ett par jeans till försäljningspriset - 30 när som helst inom de närmaste 60 dagarna. Den regnkontrollen är precis som ett alternativ. Du har rätt - men inte skyldigheten - att köpa de blå jeans till det garanterade priset på 30 när som helst innan utgångsdatumet på 60 dagar. Den enda skillnaden är, med ett alternativ tar de dig ett litet premie för rätten. Vad gör alternativ så speciellt Bra, låt oss titta på skillnaden mellan att köpa en aktie av aktier och köpa ett alternativ. Låt oss säga att du får ett varmt tips. Din kompis berättar om ett lager som bara blir redo att ta av. Du vet att allt vad din kompis berör, vänder sig till guld, så du bestämmer dig för att investera 10 000 i aktien. Vi antar att aktien är prissatt till 100 per aktie, så att du slutar med 100 aktier i aktien. Nu säger vi att din kompis är rätt och beståndet tar av. Den ökar i värde med femtio procent. Inte dåligt. Ditt lager ökade med 50 per aktie. Så om du väljer att sälja dina 100 aktier, kommer du att tjäna 5000 (50 X 100 aktier). Låt oss nu gå tillbaka till början och överväga vad som skulle ha hänt om du hade investerat dina 10 000 i alternativ för att köpa aktierna istället för att investera i aktierna själv. Vi antar att du kan köpa ett alternativ att köpa en del av samma varma för 5 vardera (du betalar en 5 kvotkvoten för rätt - men inte skyldigheten - att köpa aktierna). Så nu, din samma 10 000 skulle få dig möjligheten till 2000 aktier av aktier. Än en gång, väl säga din kompis visste vad han pratade om och beståndet gick upp med femtio procent. Så, än en gång gjorde du en död. Men eftersom det handlade om alternativ, måste vi beräkna dina vinster lite annorlunda den här gången. Vi måste sätta i priset på det premie du betalat för alternativet. Så istället för att göra en vinst på 50 på varje aktie gjorde du bara 45 på varje alternativ. Men vänta en minut, eftersom du kunde köpa alternativet på 2000 aktier av aktier, hoppar din vinst till 90 000 Ja, din vinst hoppar till 90 000. Nu som illustrerar kraften och hävstången du får med alternativ. Och få det, det är bara en av anledningarna till att alternativen blivit allt populärare nyligen. Det finns många fler inklusive: Du får obegränsad vinstpotential. Femfiguriga månatliga inkomster är realistiskt inom räckhåll Du kan enkelt begränsa din risk och göra förluster praktiskt taget obefintliga Du får möjlighet att dra nytta av om marknaden faller eller stiger (Faktum är att smarta investerare kan göra pengar på pengar även under en marknadskrasch) Du kan snabbt ändra din strategi i midstream, för att faktiskt tjäna pengar på en förlorad handel. Du kan enkelt diversifiera din portfölj. alternativ är lätt tillgängliga på lager, index, terminer och valutor. Om du får fel. du kan förlora pengar lika snabbt som du kan göra det med alternativ Så tror du inte att du kan springa rätt och börja göra massor av pengar med alternativ. Det är viktigt att du har en bra förståelse för optionsmarknaden innan du dyker in. Du måste hitta en bra mentor. Någon som har varit extremt framgångsrika handelsalternativ. Någon med ett beprövat system. Någon som kan ta dig med handen och gå dig steg för steg genom hela processen. Det är där jag kommer in. Men mdash som också ger en bra poäng: Till skillnad från många som undervisar aktier och optioner är jag inte en tidigare kvittotillverkare eller specialist eller en licensierad yrkesverksamma inom finansbranschen. Jag är en detaljhandelsinvesterare precis som du, som efter 23 års testning och tweaking hittade ett sätt att bli framgångsrik och lönsam handelslager och alternativ som företag. Ett framgångsrikt företag kör jag hemifrån. Och de affärsmetoder jag använder är samma som används av professionella hedgefondschefer och marknadsförare som sällan talar om sina strategier. Så varför på jorden skulle jag dela mina hemligheter med dig 1) För det första är konkurrensen bra i den här branschen. Marknaderna är enorma och över hela världen. Du kan inte ha för många handlare. Faktum är att ju mer handlare du har desto mer pengar du kan göra och desto mer flytande blir marknaden. Du vill faktiskt fler människor på marknaden. 2) För det andra vill jag ge tillbaka. Denna verksamhet har varit mycket bra för mig. Jag har varit lycklig att använda den för att bygga en livsstil för min familj som ger oss friheten att gå vart vi vill och göra ganska mycket vad vi vill. Så länge jag har min bärbara dator och en internetanslutning, så är jag upptagen. Tänk dig hur det skulle vara för dig att kunna ge din familj samma frihet. 3) För det tredje älskar jag att lära mig. Jag har undervisat människor hur man använder Internet för att starta ett företag sedan 1999. Tusentals människor har lärt sig att leva online med mina kurser, och det har varit mycket givande för mig. Nu kan det också vara mycket givande för dig. Du ser att en sak jag har lärt mig under alla mina år av undervisning är det bästa sättet att lära dig att få mig att visa dig hur man gör någonting - steg för steg - innan du försöker själv. Det är varför hela min quotExpert Option Tradingquot kurs du kommer till. Titta över min axel när jag gör mina egna affärer det är rätt. Du får faktiskt titta när jag gör mina dagliga affärer och lyssnar när jag förklarar varför jag gör de rörelser jag gör. Du får se exakt hur jag tjänar pengar på marknaden. Titta och lyssna när jag väljer vilka alternativ jag vill köpa och sälja och förklara varför. Titta över min axel när jag strategiserar om vilka branscher att sätta ihop i en portfölj som maximerar vinsten och minimerar risken. Titta när jag hanterar min portfölj på mindre än 15 minuter om dagen. Följ med när jag bestämmer när jag ska stänga en handel och ta min vinst. Du får se över min axel och se mig faktiskt tjäna pengar på marknaden. Vem gör det ingen som jag känner till. Du kan eventuellt anställa en personlig trading coach som kommer att göra detsamma om du är villig att spendera tusentals dollar, men Ive har aldrig sett någon som erbjuder den. Och det måste inte sluta när du är klar med kursen. Anmäl dig bara för mitt nyhetsbrev och du kommer att kunna fortsätta att titta på när jag gör affärer och hanterar min portfölj dagligen. Se exakt hur jag bor på marknaden. quotThis Information är Pricelessquot Jag ville bara säga. Jag köpte din kurs och det är bra Jag tittade på alla videon på ungefär en vecka och kommer att granska dem igen. Jag är knuten till det här sakerna Jag började bara handla papper för att prova det och förhoppningsvis bygga mitt förtroende. Denna information är ovärderlig om du vill följa de presenterade strategierna eller inte. Jag är väldigt exalterad och hoppas att jag inom några år kan göra det som ett företag. Ive ville alltid ha eller åtminstone älskat idén att handla som ett företag hemma, men jag trodde inte att det var möjligt. Min erfarenhet var att det var en total skitskytte. Men, som din kurs påpekade, har jag blivit trading blind. Denna tänk eller simma ansökan är så otroligt hur du kan analysera nästan alla möjligheter direkt i realtid. Och dina strategier är så lätta och logiska. Jag älskar hur videon demonstrerar exakt vad du undervisar. Utmärkt En radikalt annorlunda strategi för Options Trading Look, de flesta människor närmar sig optionsmarknaden som ren spekulation eller ännu värre spelande. Det är därför som de flesta tycker att optionsmarknaden är för riskabel. I den här kursen kommer du att upptäcka hur man praktiskt taget eliminerar risken och tillvägagångssättet som ett verkligt företag. Det är enkelt: Alla företag köper och säljer något för att tjäna pengar. yoursquoll vara köp och försäljning alternativ i din verksamhet. Dessutom hanteras alla goda företag baserat på siffror och förhållanden ndash yoursquoll upptäcker hur man gör samma exakta sak. Du kommer att hantera ditt företag strängt genom siffrorna. Detta tar dina känslor helt ur bilden, vilket i sin tur tar bort den största delen av risken. Faktum är att yoursquoll vet exakt vad din maximala vinst kommer att vara innan du någonsin placerar en handel. Du behöver inte gissa eller spekulera ndash yoursquoll har en plan. Då - Yoursquoll hanterar helt enkelt din position. Och - om nödvändigt gör du justeringar för att förbli lönsamma. Eller - du använder smart riskhantering taktik för att minska dina förluster. Därefter - du samlar bara dina vinster i slutet av handelscykeln (månadsvis). Det är det Och den bästa delen är. Du kan göra allt detta på bara 15 minuter om dagen. Det är rätt mdash När dina affärer är inställda för månaden tar det mindre än 15 minuter om dagen att titta över siffrorna och göra nödvändiga justeringar. Du kommer inte hitta ett enklare företag att köra. Och lyssna, denna verksamhet kommer aldrig att förändras. Principerna, när du lär dig dem, är din för evigt. Du kommer att kunna skicka dem till dina barn och barnbarn. Principerna kommer aldrig att förändras eftersom marknaderna aldrig förändras. Nya produkter kan komma på marknaden, men så länge aktiemarknaden fortfarande finns, kommer grunderna i denna verksamhet aldrig att förändras. Denna verksamhet är Evergreen. och principerna du lär dig kommer att vara värdefulla för många, många år framöver. Och här är bara några av de principerna du kommer att upptäcka: Hur du kan använda alternativ för att generera ett stabilt månatligt kassaflöde. du kan till och med bestämma dig för att gå bort från ditt dagliga jobb Hur man hanterar dina alternativaffärer strängt av siffrorna. ta dina känslor helt ur bilden (det här är HUGE) Varför Riskhantering är nyckeln till din framgång i någon form av handel. och varför det är viktigt för handel med alternativ Hur man skapar och använder ldquoRisk Profilesrdquo. visuellt bestämma en tradersquos potentiella lönsamhet i ett ögonkast. Hemligheten att 99,8 av optionshandlare donrsquot vet. hur snabbt ändra din strategi om beståndet går emot dig ndash upp eller ner. Vad kommer att täckas för dig i kursen Du får totalt 12 moduler. Varje innehåller flera hands-on-videor. Titta över min axel och följ med mig när jag går dig steg för steg genom varje ämne. Heres bara ett litet urval av saker du kommer att upptäcka: Modul 1: Introduktion till handel som företagsbeskrivning: Det här avsnittet introducerar dig till ett nytt sätt att handla alternativ mdash som företag. Tonvikten ligger på riskhantering och byggande av en portfölj av affärer som kan hanteras strikt av siffrorna. Modul 2: Introduktion till handelstyper och analys Beskrivning: Den här modulen innehåller en kort översikt över köp och försäljningsalternativ med vertikala sprickor, dubbla vertikala sprickor, tullsamtalsspridningar, strängar, kalendrar, dubbelkalendar och järnkondorer. Den innehåller också en diskussion om tidsvärde, inneboende värde, extrinsic value och in-the-money (ITM), ATM-pengar och alternativ för pengar (OTM). Dessutom lär du dig hur du installerar och använder thinkorswim-plattformen för att analysera dina affärer. Modul 3: Grekerna - Förvaltningen av siffrorna Beskrivning: Grekerna spelar en viktig roll i din handelsaffär. De är de siffror du ska använda för att hantera din portfölj lönsamt. I den här modulen får du en förståelse av exakt vad grekerna är och exakt hur de påverkar ditt företag. Det här avsnittet innehåller en video och en omfattande, men ändå lättläst 5-sida KONFIDENTIALRAPPORT om hur du kan tjäna pengar från quot Greeksquot. Modul 4: Val av handel och strategi Beskrivning: I den här modulen lär du dig att bestämma vilka positioner som ska sättas på och exakt när och hur man lägger dem på. Du kommer också att lära dig vilka kartor som helst, och så ta en titt på den stora bilden bakom vad som händer. Modul 5: Portföljbyggnad Beskrivning: Du kommer att upptäcka hur man bygger en portfölj genom att sätta upp positioner som fungerar tillsammans. Det är här många handelsmän går fel - de lägger på enskilda positioner och förstår inte hur de påverkar deras övergripande portfölj. Modul 6: Använda TOS-plattformen - Verktyg av handelsbeskrivningen: ThinkorSwim (TOS), är enligt min mening den bästa mäklaren och har den bästa handelsplattformen tillgänglig. Om du var tvungen att betala separat för de typer av analysverktyg som de ger dig som kontoinnehavare, skulle det kosta dig hundratals dollar i månaden i avgifter - med TOS theyre helt gratis. Jag tar dig inuti TOS-plattformen och hjälper dig att komma åt den kraft som finns tillgänglig för dig. (Det finns andra program som du kan använda för att analysera dina affärer, men TOS är gratis när du öppnar ett konto.) Modul 7: Portföljhantering av grekerna, justeringar, VIX och mer. Beskrivning: Nu när du har byggt din portfölj är din nyckel till framgång att hantera den med siffrorna. Du lärde dig grekerna, nu är det dags att sätta dem i aktion. När du har avslutat det här avsnittet kan du titta på siffrorna och snabbt bestämma vad de menar och vad man ska göra med dem, om något. Modul 8: Konsten av justeringar - Den hemliga nyckeln Beskrivning: Vad händer när dina nummer inte ser bra ut Här är 99 av alla handlare dödade. De har ingen aning om vad man ska göra när en position går emot dem. Så de tar bara förlusten. Det är synd eftersom de flesta branscher kan sparas. De kan göras lönsamma genom att justera. Föreställ dig att göra en liten förändring till din position och öka dina chanser att göra en vinst på 80 Det är vad justering kan göra för dig Justeringar är den saknade länken i optionshandel som nästan ingen lär. Modul 9: Slutpositioner Beskrivning: Upptäck hur och när du stänger dina positioner för maximal vinst. Riskerna med att hålla positioner i utgångsveckan. När och hur man köper kortfristig försäkring för att skydda dina vinster. Så här stänger du positioner och får gratisaffärer kvar över mdash som har en chans att göra DIN DIN vinst. Modul 10: Den stora bilden - Teknisk analys Beskrivning: Del 1 - I det här avsnittet kommer du ta reda på vilka nyckelanalysverktyg som är avgörande för att hjälpa dig att bestämma sannolikheten för marknadsriktning. Väl diskutera varför marknaden rör sig upp och ner på ett till synes slumpmässigt sätt och du får ett historiskt perspektiv på marknadsrörelser som går tillbaka till 1900. Du kommer sluta med en realistisk plan för attack för att bestämma framtida marknadsriktning utifrån faktiska bevis. I del 2 kommer du att lära dig om kortsiktiga indikatorer som kan hjälpa dig att förbättra din verksamhet. Och du kommer att upptäcka en indikator som förutsäger kortsiktiga och öppna marknadsriktningar med enastående grad av noggrannhet. Dess rätt nästan 95 av tiden Module 11: Advanced Techniques And Explosive Wealth Building Strategies Beskrivning: Detta bör faktiskt betecknas som en bonus sektion. Det innehåller inte bara de mest kraftfulla alternativstrategierna på planeten, det introducerar dig också till ett par Super High-Powered Stock Trading-strategier. Explosiv strategi 1: Med hjälp av den här metoden omvandlades en 14 000 handel till en 75 000 vinst på bara 8 månader. De mest pengar i risken Bara 650. Det var det totala beloppet som var i fara när denna position inleddes och INTE mer pengar någonsin satts i positionen. Den har ett fantastiskt resultatförlustförhållande. Det kräver en längre tidsram - 6 till 8 månader, men det är inte ovanligt för dessa branscher att skapa den typ av vinst du kan skryta om. Vill du göra en död på marknaden Det blir inte bättre än det här. Explosiv strategi 2: En annan metod som jag kallar Flipping Stocks låter dig köpa aktier som är billigare än någon annan, och om marknaden inte samarbetar - får du betalt mycket pengar för att vänta tills det gör det. Det här är för större spelare med mer kapital. men när du har 15k eller mer att sätta på jobbet, kommer dessa långsiktiga affärer att generera explosiva vinster för dig. Explosiv strategi 3: Med den här nya strategin har du obegränsad uppåt - eller nackdel potential och endast cirka 50 i riskzonen. Denna strategi är extremt kraftfull och en av de största verkliga hemligheterna jag känner till. Jag har aldrig sett någon annan diskutera denna taktik. Vänta tills du ser kraften i denna strategi. Du kan göra 1000-talet med en total risk på ca 50. Det här är så nära som det går till en fri lunch på Wall Street. Det här är den perfekta riskstrategin för att spela resultatrapporter, övertagande nyheter eller något lager du tror kommer att flytta stor i båda riktningarna. Explosiv strategi 4: Om du vill vara mer aktiv i aktier men hatar risken kommer du att älska denna strategi. Med det kan du handla dag utan den risk som normalt förknippas med dagshandel. Du kan också ställa in det som ett halvautomatiskt handelssystem. Det är en annan mycket kraftfull strategi för låg risk, hög intjäning för mer aktiva deltagare (kräver ett kapital på 25 000 på grund av regler för mönsterdagshandel). Explosiv strategi 5: Om du gillar tanken på de månatliga intäkterna, men du undrade hur man turboladdar dem för att göra en förmögenhet, då kommer du att älska DENNA strategi. I stället för 1000-2000 i månaden kan du börja generera 5 000 till 40 000 per månad efter att du har läst detta. Den här sista strategin är glasyren på tårtan - toppmomentet i hela din hårda studie. Det kommer att vara värt 100 gånger vad du betalat för kursen. kanske ännu mer. Varför avslöjade jag inte detta för dig förut eftersom du inte skulle kunna använda den här strategin utan grunden som anges i modulerna 0 till 10. Allt du har lärt dig hittills har ledt fram till detta. OCH Explosiv strategi 4. Där har du det. Det är några höjdpunkter från vad du kommer att lära dig i kursen - Jag garanterar att du inte hittar någon annan som undervisar allt detta. Kursen består av 42 videoklipp som levereras till dig på DVD. Jag gjorde kursen otroligt prisvärd för att du skulle kunna lära dig allt detta utan att behöva stressa över priset. Jag har betalat så mycket som 3.000 för en kurs och 5.000 för en annan - du kommer att få mycket mer från kursen än båda de kombinerade. Theres även en online trading kurs som kostar 7,500 för online-tillgång bara för att lära sig grunderna för alternativ. Bonus 1 M odule 12-1: Inside Days Det här är den enda handelshemligheten som äntligen kan göra dig rik Jag kommer inte att göra några löften om hur mycket pengar du kommer att göra med att använda denna handelsstrategi (det är väldigt få personer som vet om och ännu färre människor förstå). Irsquoll säger bara att det kan göra dig rik. Hur mycket pengar du gör använder det helt och hållet beroende av dig Den här enkla, lättlästa strategin för handelslager, optioner, terminer, valutor eller annan likvida investering är enligt min mening en av de största handelsstrategierna som alla kan använda för att börja tjäna pengar på marknaderna. Så vad är inre dagar En insidan dag är en dag som har en lägre hög och en högre låg än föregående dag. Ta reda på hur du utnyttjar dessa dagar för vinst nu Bonus 2 M odule 12-2. Extreme Trading Beskrivning: Se här introduktionen till Extreme Day Trading och gör dig redo för några riktigt snabba actionansträngningar och vinster Se mig köp och handla ytterligheterna och lär dig hur du kan göra detsamma medan du tittar på Bonus 3 GRATIS DIREKT ACCESS: KOM START HÖGER BORT DIN kurs på DVD tar några dagar att komma fram, men du behöver inte vänta tills det gör det. Du får direkt tillgång till hela kursen så att du kan komma igång direkt. Tja, laddar 67 för det i framtiden på grund av den bandbredd som krävs för att se alla 42 videoklipp online, men du får det gratis om du beställer idag. Heres Vad några av våra medlemmar säger kommentarer som används med tillåtelse. Jag är mycket imponerad av din videosquot. Jag måste säga att du är en mycket bra lärare. Jag hade absolut ingen kunskap om alternativen, så jag följde dina råd och gick till optionseducation. org webben webbplats för att få några grunder innan du börjar din kurs. Im very impressed with your videos and the helpful info and tips youre giving. Im through module 4 and Im starting to get a good grasp of it. -) Ill let you know how it goes quotHow Come It Was Hidden From Me For So Longquot You are a good guy (what an understatement). I just reviewed the first part of strategy 1 in module 11. I cant believe I havent read about it in any of the trading books (and I have read many). This is so simple. How come it was hidden from me for so long Anyway, thanks for doing a great service for the trading community. God Bless. quotYour System Demystifies the Options Gamequot Its Dave Ward here we swapped a few emails lately through your site. Why am I writing Well Ive been thinking about your course a lot lately (in fact all the time) and how fantastic it is. Since I got your videos I havent stopped thinking about the massive potential for ordinary guys like me to make money with options. I finish work and Im reviewing your videos all night, Im reading stuff, researching, talking to people about it. I dont think Ive ever been this excited about any other opportunity I have come across. Your system demystifies the options game to a degree where almost anyone with good work ethic and willingness to learn can succeed. Im positive that your course could have a positive impact on thousands of not tens of thousands of people who are struggling both on and off the internet to make money just like me. I know you have a massive list and already partner with some of the big names in network in network marketing but if you are looking for someone down in the trenches so to speak to partner with to further get the message out about your course through and affiliate program or whatever I would really love to be involved. I hope you dont mind me being so forward Ive never written to anyone like this before but I have a good feeling about your course. I also know that that if you dont ask you dont get and that great opportunities dont come around very often so you need to grab them with both hands if they do. (Additional Testimonials Below ) You get 42 videos shipped to you on DVD so you can easily watch them at home on your computer You get the Core Training Program - 11 Modules that walk you step-by-step through the entire quotTrading as a Businessquot system You get the bonus Module which includes two High-Powered advanced strategies - quotInside Daysquot and quotExtreme Tradingquot You get immediate online access so you can get started right away You get a 7 page course guide and a 5 page report on the quotGreeksquot in PDF format Ok. so by now Im sure you realize just how powerful the quotExpert Option Tradingquot system is, and how it can dramatically change your life with all the additional income it will create for you . But, now youre probably wondering. 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And considering similar option trading courses are priced between 5,000 and 10,000, even 1997 would be a bargain. But dont worry, Im not going to charge you anywhere near that much. After much consideration, Ive decided to price the course very fairly at only 497. However, in light of the economy right now I wanted to make it affordable to everyone. So if you grab a copy today . You Get a Massive Discount For a VERY limited time only, you can literally steal the entire course from me at an almost insane 1997 . 497 . 197 But grab your copy now. this special price is only temporary and will be increased to 497 soon. possibly even before you get done reading this letter. And dont worry. Theres absolutely zero risk on your part because. Im shouldering all the risk (as I should) with a. 100 Iron Clad Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee. Go through the entire quotExpert Option Tradingquot system . Watch the videos, complete the training. and if at any time within 60 days youre not thoroughly convinced the course is worth twice what you paid for it, just send it back. Det är rätt. Take 60 days to check it out and, if for any reason. or no reason at all. youre not TOTALLY satisfied with the income producing power of these revolutionary strategies . send it back and Ill quickly refund every penny of your investment. It truly is risk free. Så. If youd like a proven system capable of earning you a full-time income from home then take action right now . Get your hands on this program today. YES - Dave, I want you to give me the exact strategies and techniques I need to start making my living trading stock options. Send me the Expert Option Trading System: Trading as a Business Training Program A Total Value of 1,997 for ONLY 197.00 I understand I will receive 4 2 videos delivered to my door on DVD. 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And Making Moneyquot Yes, I have been trading. and making money I was aware of many of these types of trades, but was not very good at adjustments - until now. There are so many trading secrets, and you do a GREAT job teaching them. Thank you for sharing this awesome course and improving my trading. now I trade with confidence quotIve Been Very Un-successful in Trading Until I Found Your Videosquot Its coming along very well. I established an account with TDAmeritrade sometime ago, so I could trade on a daily basis. I already had the software but Ive been very un-successful in trading until I found your videos. I think your videos are really good for people like myself, Ive been looking for someone to show me the secrets to trading. My goal is to establish a second monthly income and build wealth. Im extremely excited about the videos. Thanks, James Sims quotSafe Reliable Way to Earn a Monthly Incomequot I have been trying to do stocks, forex, and options over the last 10 years or so and never found a safe reliable way to earn a monthly income from the money markets. That is until now This information is so logical it blows me away. Thanks for awakening my dream (the one that got crushed by the FX markets). Best Regards Kevin. R. Davies quotMoney Very Well Spentquot I appreciate these emails, I think they are great. This is a wonderful program. Money very well spent. I have been studying options for 7 months now and this is giving me far more information than anything else I have done. quotI Cant Believe What I Have Been Missingquot Tim, Thanks for the msg. I cant believe what I have been missing all this time. Makes me ill to think of all the money I have let slip through my fingers. Keep in touch, and Thank You. quotWhat a Great Systemquot What a great system i cant belive it. It is in front of you and you just cant see it. Thank you soo much, this will be a lot of fun after all my losses I had. Great work thank you so much. quotYour Program Is The Bestquot The videos are great. I invested in all types of books went to seminars on stocks and options and not one them ever made it so simple to invest in options. For years I have been looking on how to invest properly in the market like the big boys who constantly make money in all markets. The thing that is most mind boggling is your program is the best and I didnt have to pay 5,000 to get the information. I just want thank you for having an awesome product that didnt cost an arm and a leg and a few other body parts to obtain knowledge on trading options. Thank you, Ron Richardson quotLearned a LOT and Really Enjoyed Itquot I just wanted to say how much we enjoyed and learned from your videos. I shared this with my Father who is a retired M. I.T. mathematician and an active trader. We both learned a LOT and really enjoyed it. I have read over 100 books on trading and options and never learned as much as I did in your lessons. Best Regards, Jeff amp David Assael :) Los Angeles, CA Hi, I am extremely happy with your product. It is incredible value, something I did not get from other providers after speding upwards of 30,000 quotOver 1700 in Less Than a Dayquot By the way, purchased a 4 day option with AAPL at 379 got out at 388 (I know risky move, on a four day option) made over 1700 in less than a day. I know that this is not the norm, but definitely now see the value of Options trading. Once again, Thanks Richard Maciel quotI Feel More Confidentquot Hi. Ive really been enjoying the Expert Option Trading course. I am learning so much, and its gotten me excited about trading in the market again. The only difference is this time I feel more confident. quotThese Videos Are Brilliantquot I was unsure in the beginning but I got to say that these videos are brilliant. Best regards, Lorenz Sommerer quotExplanation of His System is Awesomequot Thanks for the follow up. Yes, Ive been using Thinkorswim for awhile now. Man, Daves explanation of of his system is awesome. Im learning alot. Again, Thanks Tim for checking up on me, Kimmakone Siharath quotService is Greatquot My videos arrived yesterday That was fast and am very happy. This quick service helps me trust you and Dave. When buying on-line I am always a bit leary but so far I am very happy with your products and service is great. Thanks, Randy Scheffel quotYour Customer Service is as Great as Your Coursequot Thanks a lot for your help and support and I must sat that your customer service is as great as your course. I sincerely appreciate. All the Best, and a Warm Greeting from a Remote Island, Thierry Pierre copy ExpertOptionTrading All rights reserved U. S. Government Required Disclaimer - Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the options markets. Dont handla med pengar du inte har råd att förlora. This web site is neither a solicitation nor an offer to BuySell options. No representation is being made that any information you receive will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this web site The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. Använd sunt förnuft. This site and all contents are for educational purposes only. Vänligen få råd från en kompetent finansiell rådgivare innan du investerar dina pengar i något finansiellt instrument. Additional Disclaimer: I strongly recommend that you consult with a licensed financial professional or therapist before using any information provided on this web site Any market data or commentary used on this page is for illustrative, educational, and creative expression purposes only. Although it may provide information relating to investment ideas and trading as a business, visual ideas or opportunities to buy or sell securities or options, you should not construe anything on this page as legal, tax, investment, financial or any other type of advice. If you do, its your own fault. Nothing contained on this page constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, promotion, endorsement, push or offer to buy or sell any security by anyone involved with this site Copyright 2010 by Expert Option Trading All rights reservedGlossary Of Options Terminology Updated 1 Jan 2017 Index by alphabetical order Accumulation - When stocks start moving sideways after a significant drop as investors start accumulating. Adjusted Options - Non-standardized stock options with customized terms in order to price in major changes in the underlying stocks capital structure. Read the full tutorial on Adjusted Options. All-or-None (AON) Order - An order that must be completely filled or else it will not be executed. This is a useful order for option traders executing complex option strategies which needs to be precisely filled. Types Of Options Orders Explained . American-Style Option - An option contract that may be exercised at any time between the date of purchase and the expiration date. Most exchange-traded options are American-style. Read The Tutorial On American Style Options. Arbitrage - The simultaneous purchase and sale of financial instruments in order to benefit from price discrepancies. Option traders frequently look for price discrepancies of the same option contract between different option exchanges, thereby benefiting from a risk free trade. Read more about Options Arbitrage . Ask Price - As used in the phrase bid and asked it is the price at which a potential seller is willing to sell. Another way of saying this is the asking price for what someone is selling. You buy option contracts and stocks on their Ask price. Read more about Options Prices . Assign - to designate an option writer for fulfillment of his obligation to sell stock (call option writer) or buy stock (put option writer). The writer receives an assignment notice from the Options Clearing Corporation. Read More About Options Assignment . At the Money - When an options strike price is the same as the prevailing stock price. Read More About At The Money Options . Automatic Exercise - A protection procedure whereby the Options Clearing Corporation attempts to protect the holder of an expiring in-the-money option by automatically exercising the option on behalf of the holder. Auto-trading - A three way agreement to have your options broker automatically execute trade recommended by your options advisory service. Read more about Auto-Trading. Backspread - see Reverse Strategy. Read More About Backspreads . Barrier Options - Exotic options which comes into existence or goes out of existence when certain prices has been reached. Read More About Barrier Options Here Bearish - An opinion that expects a decline in price, either by the general market or by an underlying stock, or both. Bearish Options Strategies - Different ways to use options in order profit from a downwards move in the underlying stock. Read the tutorial on Bearish Options Strategies . Bear Spread - an option strategy that makes its maximum profit when the underlying stock declines and has its maximum risk if the stock rises in price. The strategy can be implemented with either puts or calls. In either case, an option with a higher striking price is purchased and one with a lower striking price is sold, both options generally having the same expiration date. See also Bull Spread. Option Strategy Library . Bear Trap - Any technically unconfirmed downward move that encourages investors to be bearish. It usually precedes strong rallies and often catches the unwary. Beta - A figure that indicates the historical propensity of a stock price to move with the stock market as a whole. Bid Price - The price at which a potential buyer is willing to buy from you. This means that you sell at the Bid Price. Read more about Options Prices . BidAsk Spread - The difference between the prevailing bid and ask price. Generally, option contracts that are more liquid tend to have a tighter BidAsk Spread while option contracts that are less liquid and are thinly traded tend to have a wider BidAsk Spread. Read more about Options Prices . Binary Options - Options that either pay you a fixed return when it ends up in the money by expiration or nothing at all. Read more about Binary Options . Black-Scholes Model - A mathematical formula designed to price an option as a function of certain variables-generally stock price, striking price, volatility, time to expiration, dividends to be paid, and the current risk-free interest rate. Read More About Black-Scholes model . Box Spread - A complex 4 legged options trading strategy meant to take advantage of discrepanies in options prices for a risk-free arbitrage. Learn More About Box Spreads . Break - Even Point-the stock price (or prices) at which a particular strategy neither makes nor loses money. It generally pertains to the result at the expiration date of the options involved in the strategy. A quotdynamicquot break-even point is one that changes as time passes. Breadth - The net number of stocks advancing versus those declining. When advances exceed declines the breadth of the market is inclining. When the declines exceed advances the market is declining. Breakout - What occurs when a stock price or average moves above a previous high resistance level or below a previous low support level. The odds are that the trend will continue. Bullish - An opinion in which one expects a rise in price, either by the general market or by an individual security. Bullish Options Strategies - Different ways to use options in order profit from an upwards move in the underlying stock. Read the tutorial on Bullish Options Strategies . Bull Call Spread - A bullish options strategy which aims to reduce the upfront cost of buying call options in order to profit from stocks that are expected to rise moderately. Read the Tutorial on Bull Call Spread . Bull Spread - an option strategy that achieves its maximum potential if the underlying security rises far enough, and has its maximum risk if the security falls far enough. An option with a lower striking price is bought and one with a higher striking price is sold, both generally having the same expiration date. Either puts or calls may be used for the strategy. Option Strategy Library . Bull Trap - Any technically unconfirmed move to the upside that encourages investors to be bullish. Usually precedes important declines and often fools those who do not wait form confirmation by other indicators. Butterfly Spread - A neutral option strategy that has both limited risk and limited profit potential, constructed by combining a bull spread and a bear spread. Three strike prices are involved, with the lower two being utilized in the bull spread and the higher two in the bear spread. The strategy can be established with either puts or calls there are four different ways of combining options to construct the same basic position. Learn Everything About The Butterfly Spread . Buy To Open - To establish an options position by going long. Read the Buy To Open tutorial . Call - see Call Option. Call Broken Wing Butterfly Spread - A Butterfly Spread with a skewed riskreward profile which makes no losses or even a slight credit when the underlying stock breaks to downside. This is achieved by buying further strike out of the money call options than a regular butterfly spread. Read the tutorial on Call Broken Wing Butterfly Spread . Call Broken Wing Condor Spread - A Condor Spread with a skewed riskreward profile which makes no losses or even a slight credit when the underlying stock breaks to downside. This is achieved by buying further strike out of the money call options than a regular Condor spread. Read the tutorial on Call Broken Wing Condor Spread . Call Ratio Backspread - A credit options trading strategy with unlimited profit to upside and limited profit to downside through buying more out of the money calls than in the money calls are shorted. Read the tutorial on Call Ratio Backspread . Call Ratio Spread - A credit options trading strategy with the ability to profit when a stock goes up, down or sideways through shorting more out of the money calls than in the money calls are bought. Read the tutorial on Call Ratio Spread . Call Time Spread - Another name for Call Calendar Spread. An Options Trading strategy where long term call options are bought and near term call options are written in order to profit from time decay. Read the tutorial on Call Time Spread . Called Away - The process in which a call option writer is obligated to surrender the underlying stock to the option buyer at a price equal to the strike price of the call option. Read the tutorial on Called Away . Calendar Spread - A type of options trading strategy that uses a combination of options with different expiration dates in order to profit primarily from time decay. Read all about Calendar Spreads . Calendar Straddle or Combination - A complex neutral options strategy involving the purchase of a long term straddle and the sale of a short term straddle. Read all about Calendar Straddle. Calendar Strangle - A complex neutral options strategy involving the purchase of a long term strangle and the sale of a short term strangle. Read all about Calendar Strangle. Call Options - Options which gives the holder the right to buy the underlying security at a specified price for a certain, fixed period of time. Read All About Call Options . Capitalization - The total amount of securities issued by a corporation. This may include: bonds, debentures, preferred stock, common stock and surplus. Cash Secured Put - Short put options that are fully covered by cash needed in the event of an assignment. Read All About Cash Secured Put . Cash Settlement Cash Delivered - Options which, when exercised, delivers the profit in cash instead of an underlying asset. Read All About Cash Settled Options . CBOE - The Chicago Board Options Exchange the first national exchange to trade listed stock options. CBOE VIX - See VIX. Chain - A list of options quotes across multiple strike prices. Read more about Options Chains . Class of Options - Option contracts of the same type and style that covers the same underlying asset. Close - Period at the end of a trading day where final prices for the day are calculated. Closing Order - The buying back or selling off of an option for which an option trader has the opposite position. An option trader who writes a call option will execute a closing order by buying to close that call option. An option trader who bought a call option will execute a closing order by selling to close that call option. Types Of Options Orders Explained . Condor Spread - A complex neutral option strategy that profits from a stock trading within a predetermined range. Read All About Condor Spreads Here Contango - A term originating from the oil market. This is when farther month implied volatility is higher than nearer month implied volatility. This is indicative of a normal market condition. Contingent Order - An advanced customizable options order that triggers contingent upon the fulfillment of predetermined criteria. Read more about Contingent Orders . Correction - When a stock drops in price temporarily before rebounding later. Contract Size - The amount of underlying asset covered by the option contract. This is generally 100. If an option is quoted for 2.50, then one contract would cost 2.50 x 100 250 and would cover 100 shares. Contract Neutral Hedging - A static hedging technique involving buying 1 put option or selling 1 call option for every 1 share held. Read More About Contract Neutral Hedging Here Contrary Opinion - The belief opposite that of the general public andor Wall Street. It is most significant at major market turning points. An overall consensus of opinion, whether bullish or bearish, usually marks an extreme. An investor taking a contrary view will usually benefit in time. Conversion - The transformation of a long stock position into a position which is short the stock using options, without closing the original long stock position, through the use of synthetic positions. Read more about Conversions. Consolidation - When stocks starts going sideways after a significant rise as investors start selling some of their holdings to take profit. Contract Range - The highest and lowest price that an options contract has traded at. Find out more about Contract Range . Cover - to buy back as a closing transaction an option that was initially written. Covered Call Write - a strategy in which one writes call options while simultaneously owning an equal number of shares of the underlying stock. Read All About Covered Calls Here Covered Put Write - a strategy in which one sells put options and simultaneously is short an equal number of shares of the underlying security. Learn Everything About The Covered Put . Covered Straddle Write - the term used to describe the strategy in which an investor owns the underlying security and also writes a straddle on that security. This is not really a covered position. Covered Warrant - the term used for structured warrants that works almost exactly the same as call options and put options. Read about the Differences Between Warrants Options . Credit - Money received in an account. A credit transaction is one in which the net sale proceeds are larger than the net buy proceeds (cost), thereby bringing money into the account. There are many credit option strategies. Read All About Debit And Credit Spreads Here Credit Spread - A Credit Spread position is an option spread in which the net sale proceeds are larger than the net buy proceeds (cost), thereby bringing money into the account. Read more about Credit Spreads . Day Order - An order that expires at the end of the trading day if it is not executed. Read All About Options Orders Here Day trader Daytrader - Traders who open and close option positions or multiple option positions all within the same trading day. Day trading Daytrading - Trading methodolody that involves making multiple trades that are opened and closed all within the same trading day. Read more about Options Trading Styles . Debit - An expense, or money paid out from an account. A debit transaction is one in which the net cost is greater than the net sale proceeds. Debit Spread - Option spreads which you have to pay money to put on. Read more about Debit Spreads. Decay - See Time Decay Deliverables - The financial assets that are delivered to the options holders when options are exercised. Delta - the amount by which an option146s price will change for a corresponding change in price by the underlying entity. Samtalsalternativ har positiva deltag, medan putalternativ har negativa delta. Technically, the delta is an instantaneous measure of the option146s price change, so that the delta will be altered for even fractional changes by the underlying entity. Consequently, the terms quotup deltaquot and quotdown deltaquot may be applicable. They describe the option146s change after a full 1-point change in price by the underlying security-either up or down. The quotup deltaquot may be larger than the quotdown deltaquot for a call option, while the reverse is true for put options. For more detailed explanation on Delta and other option greeks, please go to Options Delta . Delta Neutral - When positive delta options and negative delta options offset each other to produce a position which neither gains nor decreases in value as the underlying stock moves slightly up or down. Such a position will return a profit no matter which way the underlying stock eventually moves as long as the move is significant. Learn How To Perform Delta Neutral Trading . Delta Spread - A ratio spread that is established as a neutral position by utilizing the deltas of the options involved. The neutral ratio is determined by dividing the delta of the purchased option by the delta of the written option. Derivatives - A financial instrument whose value is derived in part from the value and characteristics of another financial instrument. Examples of derivatives are options, futures and warrants. Diagonal Call Time Spread - A neutral options trading strategy profiting primarily through time decay by buying long term at the money call options and shorting short term out of the money call options against them. Read the Diagonal Call Time Spread Tutorial. Diagonal Spread - An options spread on the same underlying, same type but different expiration month and strike. Read the Diagonal Spread Tutorial. Discount - An option is trading at a discount if it is trading for less than its intrinsic value. A future is trading at a discount if it is trading at a price less than the cash price of its underlying index or commodity. See also Intrinsic Value and Parity. Discount Broker - A brokerage firm that offers low commission rates. Get A List Of Option Brokers Here Dividend - When a company pays a share of the profit to existing shareholders. This share of profit may be in cash or options. Read about the Effects of Dividends on Stock Options . Downside Protection - Generally used in connection with covered call writing, this is the cushion against loss, in case of a price decline by the underlying security, that is afforded by the written call option. Alternatively, it may be expressed in terms of the distance the stock could fall before the total position becomes a loss (an amount equal to the option premium), or it can be expressed as percentage of the current stock price. Dynamic Hedging - A hedging technique which requires constantly rebalancing in order to maintain the hedge ratio. Early Exercise (assignment) - The exercise or assignment of an option contract before its expiration date. Employee Stock Options - Stock options granted to employees by their companies as a mean of compensation and incentive. Read More About Employee Stock Options. Equity Option - An option that has common stock as its underlying security. ETF - Exchange Traded Funds. Open ended funds tradable over an exchange just like a stock. ETFs made it possible for investors to invest in a variety of other instruments like gold and silver just like investing in stocks. European Exercise - A feature of an option that stipulates that the option may only be exercised at its expiration. Therefore, there can be no early assignment with this type of option. Read The Tutorial On European Style Options. Exercise - To invoke the right granted under the terms of a listed options contract. Innehavaren är den som övar. Samtal innehavare övning för att köpa den underliggande säkerheten, samtidigt som innehavare övning för att sälja den underliggande säkerheten. Read the tutorial on how to Exercise an Option . Exercise Limit - The limit on the number of contracts which a holder can exercise in a fixed period of time. Set by the appropriate option exchange, it is designed to prevent an investor or group of investors from quotcorneringquot the market in a stock. Exercise Price - The price at which the option holder may buy or sell the underlying security, as defined in the terms of his option contract. It is the price at which the call holder may exercise to buy the underlying security or the put holder may exercise to sell the underlying security. For listed options, the exercise price is the same as the Strike Price. Expected Return - A rather complex mathematical analysis involving statistical distribution of stock prices, it is the return which an investor might expect to make on an investment if he were to make exactly the same investment many times throughout history. Expiration Date - The day on which an option contract becomes void. The expiration date for listed stock options is the Saturday after the third Friday of the expiration month. All holders of options must indicate their desire to exercise, if they wish to do so, by this date. Read the full tutorial on Options Expiration . Expiration Time - The time of day by which all exercise notices must be received on the expiration date. Technically, the expiration time is currently 5:00 PM on the expiration date, but public holders of option contracts must indicate their desire to exercise no later than 5:30 PM on the business day preceding the expiration date. The times are Eastern Time. Expire Worthless - When out of the money options lose all their value and expire on expiration day. Read the full tutorial on Expire Worthless. Extrinsic Value - Also known as Premium Value or Time Value. It is the difference between an options price and the intrinsic value. Read the full tutorial on Extrinsic Value. Fair Value - A term used to describe the worth of an option or futures contract as determined by a mathematical model. Fiduciary Call - An option trading stratey which buys call options as a replacement for a protective put or married put in the same proportion. Read More About Fiduciary Calls Here Financial Instrument - A physical or electronic document that has intrinsic monetary value or transfers value. Till exempel är kontanter, aktier, futures, optioner och ädelmetaller finansiella instrument. Frontspreads - Options strategies designed to profit from neutral market conditions where prices change very little. Read more about Frontspreads. Fundamental Analysis - A method of analyzing the prospects of a security by observing accepted accounting measures such as earnings, sales, assets, and so on. Gamma - The rate of change of a stock options delta for one unit change in the price of the underlying stock. Read All About Options Gamma. Gamma Neutral - A position which has zero or near zero gamma value resulting in the delta value of the position staying stagnant no matter how its underlying stock moves. Read All About Gamma Neutral. Goldilock Economy - An economy that has steady growth and moderate inflation which is neither too heated nor cold and allows for stock market friendly monetary policies. Good Until Canceled (GTC) - A designation applied to some types of orders, meaning that the order remains in effect until it is either filled or cancelled. Read All About Options Orders Here Going Forward - Analysts Jargon. Meaning In The Future. 12 months going forward means 12 months in the future. Greeks - A set of mathematical criteria involved in the calculation of stock option prices. Please read more about Option Greeks. Grocession - A prolonged period of 0 to 2 growth in GDP that will feel like a recession. Hedge - Transactions that will protect against loss through a compensatory price movement. Read All About Hedging Here Hedge Ratio - The mathematical quantity that is equal to the delta of an option. It is useful in facilitation in that a theoretically riskless hedge can be established by taking offsetting positions in the underlying stock and its call or put options. Read All About Hedge Ratio Here Historical Volatility - Volatility of past price movement of the underlying asset. Also known as Realised Volatility. Horizontal Call Time Spread - An option strategy in which longer term at the money call options are bought and short term at the money call options are written in order to profit when the underlying stock remains stagnant. Read the tutorial on Horizontal Call Time Spread. Horizontal Put Time Spread - An option strategy in which longer term at the money put options are bought and short term at the money put options are written in order to profit when the underlying stock remains stagnant. Read the tutorial on Horizontal Put Time Spread. Horizontal Spread - An option strategy in which the options have the same strike price, but different expiration dates. Implied Volatility - A measure of the volatility of the underlying stock, it is determined by using prices currently existing in the market at the time, rather than using historical data on the price changes of the underlying stock. Read more about Implied Volatility . Incremental Return Concept - A strategy of covered call writing in which the investor is striving to earn an additional return from option writing against a stock position which he is targeted to sell-possibly at substantially higher prices. Index - A compilation of the prices of several common entities into a single number. Index Option - An option whose underlying asset is an index instead of a hard asset such as stocks. Most index options are cash-based. Read the full tutorial on Index Options. In the Money - A term describing any option contract that has intrinsic value. A call option is in-the-money if the underlying security is higher than the strike price of the call. A put option is in-the-money if the security is below the strike price. Read ALL About In The Money Options here. Intrinsic Value - The value of an option if it were to expire immediately with the underlying stock at its current price the amount by which an option is in-the-money. For call options, this is the difference between the stock price and the striking price, if that difference is a positive number, or zero otherwise. For put options it is the difference between the striking price and the stock price, if that difference is positive, and zero otherwise. Read the full tutorial on Intrinsic Value Last Trading Day - The third Friday of the expiration month. Options cease trading at 3:00 PM Eastern Time on the last trading day. Leg - (Verb) A risk oriented method of establishing a two-sided position. Rather than entering into a simultaneous transaction to establish the position (a spread, for example), the trader first executes one side of the position, hoping to execute the other side at a later time and a better price. The risk materializes from the fact that a better price may never be available, and a worse price must eventually be accepted. (Noun) In an option strategy involving many kinds of options, each option type is known as a leg. Read the full tutorial on Options Leg Legging - Entering each leg of a complex options trading position seperately and individually. Read the full tutorial on Legging LEAPS - Long-Term Equity Anicipation Securities. Simply said, it is option contracts that expires 1 year or more in the future. Sometimes option contracts that expires 6 months to a year later are also known as a LEAPS. Read more aboutLEAPs . Level II Quotes - Real time quotes provided by NASDAQ outlining the specific bid ask spread provided by each market maker. Read All About Level II Quotes Here . Leverage - In investments, the attainment of greater percentage profit and risk potential. A call holder has leverage with respect to a stock holder-the former will have greater percentage profits and losses than the latter, for the same movement in the underlying stock. Read About How To Calculate Options Leverage. Limit - See Trading Limit. Limit Order - An order to buy or sell securities at a specified price (the limit). Read more about Limit Order . Liquid Liquidity - The ease at which a purchase or sale can be made without disrupting existing market prices. Read About What Affects Stock Option Liquidity Here Listed Option - A put or call option that is traded on a national option exchange. Listed options have fixed striking prices and expiration dates. Long - To be long is to own something. Read more about Long Options Positions. LookBack Options - Exotic options which allows the holder to Look Back at the price action of the underlying asset during expiration to decide the optimal price at which to exercise the Lookbacks Options. Read More About LookBack Options Here Margin (stocks) - To buy a security by borrowing funds from a brokerage house. The margin requirement-the maximum percentage of the investment that can be loaned by the brokerage firm-is set by the Federal Reserve Board. Margin (options) - Cash deposit needed to be held in account when writing options. Read the full tutorial on Options Margin. Marked-To-Model - A valuation method using financial models for level 2 assets, which are less liquid assets that are hard to value due to an absence of a readily available market. Market Maker - An exchange member whose function is to aid in the making of a market, by making bids and offers for his account in the absence of public buy or sell orders. Several market-makers are normally assigned to a particular security. The market-maker system encompasses the market-makers and the board brokers. Read All About Market Makers Here Market Order - An order to buy or sell securities at the current market price. The order will be filled as long as there is a market for the security. Read All About Options Market Order Market On Close (MOC) - An option trading order that fills a position at or near market close. Read All About Options Orders Here Married Put and Stock - a put and stock are considered to be married if they are bought on the same day, and the position is designated at that time as a hedge. Read More About Married Puts Here Mini Index Options - Index options that are only one-tenth the size of regular index options. Read More About Mini Index Options Here Mini Options - Stock options that covers only 10 shares instead of 100 shares. Read More About Mini Options Here Model - A mathematical formula designed to price an option as a function of certain variables-generally stock price, striking price, volatility, time to expiration, dividends to be paid, and the current risk-free interest rate. The Black-Scholes model is one of the more widely used models. Moneyness - The strike price of an option in relation to the prevailing price of the underlying asset. Read More About Moneyness Here Multiple Compression - Where the overall market sell off over a period of time in order to generally reduce PE ratios across the board due to pessimism about the macro economy. Multiple Expansion - Where the overall market rallies over a period of time in order to generally increase PE ratios across the board due to optimism about the macro economy. NASDAQ - National Association of Securities Dealers Automatic Quotation System. It is an electronic market place in USA where securities are listed and traded electronically. Naked Option - see Uncovered Option. Narrow Based - Generally referring to an index, it indicates that the index is composed of only a few stocks, generally in a specific industry group. Narrow-based indices are NOT subject to favorable treatment for naked option writers. Near The Money Options - Options with strike prices near to the spot price of the underlying stock. Read the tutorial on Near The Money Options . Neutral - Describing an opinion that is neither bearish or bullish. Neutral option strategies are generally designed to perform best if there is little or no net change in the price of the underlying stock. Neutral Options Strategies - Different ways to use options in order profit a stock remains stagnant or within a tight trading range. Read the tutorial on Neutral Options Strategies . Non-Equity Option - An option whose underlying entity is not common stock typically refers to options on physical commodities, but may also be extended to include index options. One Sided Market - A market condition where there are significantly more sellers than buyers or more buyers than sellers. In this case, there are not enough buyers putting up offers to buy from sellers or that there are not enough sellers putting up offers to sell to buyers. Open Interest - The net total of outstanding open contracts in a particular option series. An opening transaction increases the open interest, while any closing transaction reduces the open interest. Read More About Volume and Open Interest . Option - The right to buy or sell specific securities at a specified price within a specified time. A put gives the holder the right to sell the stock, a call the right to buy the stock. Options Chains - Tables presenting the various options that a stock offers over various strike price and expiration dates. Read the full tutorial on Options Chains . Options Contracts - Contingent claims contracts that allows its holder to buy or sell a specific asset when exercised. Read the full tutorial on Options Contracts . Options on Futures - Options that have futures contracts as their underlying asset. Read the full tutorial on Options on Futures . Optionable Stocks - Stocks with tradable options. Option Pain - Also known as Max Pain or Max Option Pain. It is the stock price which will result in the most number of options contracts expiring out of the money. Read More About Option Pain . Option Pricing Curve - A graphical representation of the projected price of an option at a fixed point in time. It reflects the amount of time value premium in the option for various stock prices, as well. The curve is generated by using a mathematical model. The delta (or hedge ratio) is the slope of a tangent line to the curve at a fixed stock price. Option Trader - Also known as Options Trader. It is anyone who buys and sells options in the capital market. Read more about Option Traders . Option Trading - Also known as Options Trading. It is the buying and selling of stock and index options in the capital market so as to speculate for leveraged profits in every market condition or perform hedging to reduce portfolio risk. Read more about Option Trading . Options Clearing Corporation (OCC) - The issuer of all listed option contracts that are trading on the national option exchanges. Options Margin - See Margin (Options). Options Trading - The buying and selling of stock and index options in the capital market so as to speculate for leveraged profits in every market condition or perform hedging to reduce portfolio risk. Read more about Options Trading . Options Trader - Anyone who buys and sells options in the capital market. Read more about Option Trading . Options Strategist - An investment professional who specializes in research, analysis and execution of options strategies. Options Symbol - A string of alphabets that define specific options contracts. Can be referred to as the name of an options contract. Read more about Reading Options Symbols. Out of the Money - Describing an option that has no intrinsic value. A call option is out-of-the-money if the stock is below the strike price of the call, while a put option is out-of-the-money if the stock is higher than the strike price of the put. Read More About Out Of The Money Options . Over-the-Counter Option (OTC) - An option traded over-the-counter, as opposed to a listed stock option. The OTC option has a direct link between buyer and seller, has no secondary market, and has no standardization of striking prices and expiration dates. Overvalued - Describing a security trading at a higher price than it logically should. Normally associated with the results of option price predictions by mathematical models. If an option is trading in the market for a higher price than the model indicates, the option is said to be overvalued. Parity - Describing an in-the-money option trading for its intrinsic value: that is, an option trading at parity with the underlying stock. Also used as a point of reference-an option is sometimes said to be trading at a half-point over parity or at a quarter-point under parity, for example. An option trading under parity is a discount option. Physical Option - An option whose underlying security is a physical commodity that is not stock or futures. The physical commodity itself typically a currency or Treasury debt issue-underlies that option contract. Physically Settled Option - An option which the actual underlying asset exchange hands when exercised. Read more about Physically Settled Options. Portfolio - Holdings of securities by an individual or institution. A portfolio may contain options of different stocks or a combination of shares, options and other financial instruments. Position - Specific securities in an account or strategy. A covered call writing position might be long 1,000 XYZ and short 10 XYZ January 30 calls. It also refers to facilitate buy or sell a block of securities, thereby establishing a position. Position Trading - The use of options trading strategies in order to profit from the unique opportunities presented by stock options, such as time decay, volatility and even arbitrage to make safe, fixed, albeit lower profit. Read more about Options Trading Styles . Premium - The total price of an option contract is made up of the sum of the intrinsic value and the time value premium. Even though most people refer to the price of an option contract as the Premium, it is actually an inaccurate expression. The Premium of an option contract is the part of the price that is not intrinsic. Please read more about Options Premium. Premium Over Parity - See Extrinsic Value. Profit Range - The range within which a particular position makes a profit. Generally used in reference to strategies that have two break-even points-an upside break-even and a downside breakeven. The price range between the two break-even points would be the profit range. Profit Table - A table of results of a particular strategy at some point in time. This is usually a tabular compilation of the data drawn on a profit graph. Protected Strategy - A position that has limited risk. A protected short sale (short stock, long call) has limited risk, as does a protected straddle write (short straddle, long out-of-the-money combination). The Ride The Flow System is an example of a protected strategy. Protective Call - An option trading hedging strategy that protects profits made in a short stock position using call options. Read More About Protective call Here Protective Put - An option trading hedging strategy that hedges against a drop in stock price using put options. Read More About Protective Put Here Public Book (of orders) - The orders to buy or sell, entered by the public, that are away from the current market. The board broker or specialist keeps the public book. Market-makers on the CBOE can see the highest bid and lowest offer at any time. The specialist146s book is closed (only he knows at what price and in what quantity the nearest public orders are). Pull back - A temporary fall in price after a rally. The rally usually continues after a Pull Back. This is also known as a Correction. Put Broken Wing Butterfly Spread - A Butterfly Spread with a skewed riskreward profile which makes no losses or even a slight credit when the underlying stock breaks to upside. This is achieved by buying further strike out of the money put options than a regular butterfly spread. Read the tutorial on Put Broken Wing Butterfly Spread . Put Broken Wing Condor Spread - A Put Condor Spread with a skewed riskreward profile which makes no losses or even a slight credit when the underlying stock breaks to upside. This is achieved by buying further strike out of the money put options than a regular put condor spread. Read the tutorial on Put Broken Wing Condor Spread . Put - An option granting the holder the right to sell the underlying security at a certain price for a specified period of time. See also Call. Read About Put Options Here . Put Call Parity - Put Call Parity is an option pricing concept that requires the extrinsic values of call and put options to be in equilibrium so as to prevent arbitrage. Put Call Parity is also known as the Law Of One Price. Read About Put Call Parity Here . Put Call Ratio - The ratio of the number of open put options against the number of open call options. The higher the resulting number, the more put options are bought or shorted on the underlying asset. For daily total equity put call ratio, please visit Option Traders HQ. Read more about Put Call Ratio . Put Ratio Backspread - A credit options trading strategy with unlimited profit to downside and limited profit to upside through buying more out of the money puts than in the money puts are shorted. Read the tutorial on Call Ratio Backspread . Put Ratio Spread - A credit options trading strategy with the ability to profit when a stock goes up, down or sideways through shorting more out of the money puts than in the money puts are bought. Read the tutorial on Put Ratio Spread . Quadruple Witching - The third Friday of March, June, September and December when Index Futures, Index Options, Stock Futures and Stock Options expire. This is one of the most volatile trading days of the year, with exceptionally high trading volume. Read all about Quadruple Witching . Quarterlies Quarterly Options - Options with quarterly expiration cycle. Read more about Quarterly Options . Ratio Backspread - Credit volatile options trading strategy that opens up one leg for unlimited profit through selling a smaller amount of in the money options against the purchase of at the money or out of the money options of the same type. Read the Tutorial on Ratio Backspreads . Ratio Calendar Combination - A strategy consisting of a simultaneous position of a ratio calendar spread using calls and a similar position using puts, where the striking price of the calls is greater than the striking price of the puts. Ratio Calendar Spread - Selling more near-term options than longer-term ones purchased, all with the same strike either puts or calls. Ratio Spread - Constructed with either puts or calls, the strategy consists of buying a certain amount of options and then selling a larger quantity of out-of-the-money options. Ratio Strategy - A strategy in which one has an unequal number of long securities and short securities. Normally, it implies a preponderance of short options over either long options or long stock. Ratio Write - Buying stock and selling a preponderance of calls against the stock that is owned. Realize (a profit or loss) - The act of closing a position, incurring a profit or a loss. As long as a position is not closed, the profit or loss remains unrealized. Resistance - A term in technical analysis indicating a price area higher than the current stock price where an abundance of supply exists for the stock, and therefore the stock may have trouble rising through the price. Reward Risk Ratio - A gauge of how risky a position can be by dividing its maximum profit potential against the maximum loss potential. A ratio of above 1 means that the potential reward is higher than the potential loss. Read the full tutorial on Calculating Reward Risk Ratio . Return On Investment (ROI) - The percentage profit that one makes, or might make, on his investment. Return If Exercised - The return that a covered call writer would make if the underlying stock were called away. Return If Unchanged - The return that an investor would make on a particular position if the underlying stock were unchanged in price at the expiration of the options in the position. Reversal - The transformation of a short stock position into a position which is long the stock using options, without closing the original short stock position, through the use of synthetic positions. Read more about reversals and synthetic positions. Reverse Hedge - A strategy in which one sells the underlying stock short and buys calls on more shares than he has sold short. This is also called a synthetic straddle and is an outmoded strategy for stocks that have listed puts trading. Reverse Strategy - A general name that is given to strategies which are the opposite of better known strategies. For example, a ratio spread consists of buying calls at a lower strike and selling more calls at a higher strike. A reverse ratio spread also known as a backspread consists of selling the calls at the lower strike and buying more calls at the higher strike. The results are obviously directly opposite to each other. Risk Graph - A graphical representation of the riskreward profile of an option position. Learn All About Risk Graphs Now Risk Free Return - Profit on a risk free investment instrument such as the Treasury bills. It is a common standard of measuring the opportunity cost of having your money in anything other than Treasury bills. Roll Down - Close out options at one strike and simultaneously open other options at a lower strike. Read the tutorial about Roll Down . Roll Forward - Close out options at a near-term expiration date and open options at a longer-term expiration date. Read the tutorial about Roll Forward . Rolling - A follow up action in which the strategist closes options currently in the position and opens other options with different terms, on the same underlying stock. Roll Up - Close out options at a lower strike and open options at a higher strike. Read the tutorial about Roll Up . Rotation - A trading procedure on the option exchanges whereby bids and offers, but not necessarily trades, are made sequentially for each series of options on an underlying stock. Russell Sage - Renowned American Politician and Financier who introduced OTC call and put options in 1872. Read about the History of Options Trading Security Securities - (finance) A tradable financial instrument signifying ownership in financial assets issued by companies or governments. Such financial assets includes but are not restricted to stocks, bonds, futures and debts. Sell To Close - Closing a position by selling an option contract you own. Learn About Sell To Close Now Sell To Open - Opening a position by selling an option contract to a buyer. Learn About Sell To Open Now Selling Climax - Exceptionally heavy volume created when panic-stricken investors dump stocks. Often this marks the end of a bear market and is a spot to buy. Series - An option contracts on the same underlying stock having the same striking price, expiration date, and unit of trading. Settlement - The resolution of the terms of an options contract between the holder and the writer when the options contract is exercised. Read the full tutorial on Options Settlement. Short (to be short) - To Short means to Sell To Open. That means to write or sell an options contract to a buyer. This gives you the obligation to fulfill the exercise of the option should the buyer decides to do so. Read all about Short Options Positions Short Backspread - Volatile options strategies which are set up with a net credit and unlimited profit potential in one direction. Short Calendar Spread - Volatile options strategies that profit primarily through the difference in time decay of long term and short term options, achieved through writing longer term options and buying short term options. Read the full tutorial on Short Calendar Spreads . Short Horizontal Calendar Call Spread - Short Calendar Spread that uses only call options. Read the full tutorial on Short Horizontal Calendar Call Spreads . Short Covering - The process of buying back stock that has already been sold short. Spread - An options position consisting of more than one type of options on a single underlying asset. Read the full tutorial on Options Spreads. Spread Order - An order to simultaneously transact two or more option trades. Typically, one option would be bought while another would simultaneously be sold. Spread orders may be limit orders, not held orders, or orders with discretion. They cannot be stop orders, however. The spread order may be either a debit or credit. Spread Strategy - Any option position having both long options and short options of the same type on the same underlying security. Static Hedging - A hedging technique where a hedging trade is established and held without needing to rebalance. Stock Options - Options contracts with shares as the underlying asset. Read All About Stock Options. Stock Replacement Strategy - A trading strategy that seeks to reduce risk and volatility through owning deep in the money call options instead of the stock itself and using the remaining cash for hedging. Read All About Stock Replacement Strategy. Stock Repair Strategy - An options strategy that aims to recover lost value in a stock quickly through writing call options against it. Read All About Stock Repair Strategy. Stop Limit Order - Similar to a stop order, the stop-limit order becomes a limit order, rather than a market order, when the security trades at the price specified on the stop. Read All About Options Stop Loss Here Stop Order - A traditional stop loss method which closes a position when a predetermined price is hit. Read All About Options Orders Here Straddle - The purchase or sale of an equal number of puts and calls having the same terms. Strip Straddle - A Straddle with more put options than call options. Read the full tutorial on Strip Straddle. Strap Straddle - A Straddle with more call options than put options. Read the full tutorial on Strap Straddle. Strategy - With respect to option investments, a preconceived, logical plan of position selection and follow-up action. Strike Arbitrage - An options arbitrage strategy that locks in discrepancies in options pricing between strike prices for a risk-free arbitrage. Read More About Strike Arbitrage. Strike Price - The price at which the buyer of a call can purchase the stock during the life of the option or the price at which the buyer of a put can sell the stock during the life of the option. Read More About Strike Prices. Structured Warrants - An alternative to stock options which works almost exactly like stock options and traded in markets such as the Singapore market. See how Structured Warrants Are Traded In The Singapore Market. Support - A term in technical analysis indicating a price area lower than the current price of the stock, where demand is thought to exist. Thus a stock would stop declining when it reached a support area. See also Resistance. Swing Trading - A trading methodology that trades short term price swings for short term profits. Read more about Options Trading Styles. Synthetic Position - A combination of stocks andor options that return the same payoff characteristics of another stock or option position. Synthetic Put - A security which some brokerage firms offer to their customers. The broker sells stock short and buys a call, while the customer receives the synthetic put. This is not a listed security, but a secondary market is available as long as there is a secondary market in the calls. Synthetic Stock - An option strategy that is equivalent to the underlying stock. A long call and a short put is synthetic long stock. A long put and a short call is synthetic short stock. Synthetic Short Straddle - A combination of stocks and call options which produces the same payoff characteristics as a Short Straddle. Read More About Synthetic Short Straddle. Synthetic Straddle - A combination of stocks and call options which produces the same payoff characteristics as a Long Straddle. Read More About Synthetic Straddle. Systematic Risk Systemic Risk - Overall market risk that cannot be diversified away using a diversified portfolio based in the same market. Take Delivery - To fulfill the obligation of buying stocks when put options that you sold becomes exercised. Technical Analysis - The method of predicting future stock price movements based on observation of historical stock price movements. Thales of Miletus - The creator of options back in 332BC. Read about the History of Options Trading Theoretical Value - The price of an option, or a spread, as computed by a mathematical model. Theta - One of the 5 option greeks. Theta determines the rate of time decay of an option contracts premium. For more details on how Theta works and how it is calculated, please visit Option Greeks. Ticker Symbol - Symbol representing the shares and options of a companys shares traded in the stock market. MSFT is the ticker symbol for Micrsoft shares while MSQFB is the ticker symbol for Microsofts June29Call options. Time Decay - The reduction of a stock options extrinsic value as expiration date draws nearer. See Theta above. Read the full tutorial on Time Decay . Time Spread - see Calendar Spread. Read the full tutorial on Time Spreads. Time Value - Also known as Premium Value or Extrinsic Value. It is the difference between an options price and the intrinsic value. Read more about how Stock Options Are Priced. Topping Out - A peak point where the sellers begin to outnumber the buyers. Total Return Concept - A covered call writing strategy in which one views the potential profit of the strategy as the sum of capital gains, dividends, and option premium income, rather than viewing each one of the three separately. Trading Limit - The exchange imposed maximum daily price change that a futures contract or futures option contract can undergo. Trend - The direction of a price movement. A trend in motion is assumed to remain intact until there is a clear change. Triple Witching - Prior to 2001. The third Friday of March, June, September, and December, when stock options, index futures and options on index futures expire. After 2001, the introduction of Single Stock Futures transformed Triple Witching into Quadruple Witching as single stock futures expire on the third Friday of every quarterly month as well. Type - The designation to distinguish between a put or call option. Uncovered Option - A written option is considered to be uncovered if the investor does not have a corresponding position in the underlying security. Underlying Asset - The security which one has the right to buy or sell via the terms of a listed option contract. An underlying asset can be any financial instrument on which option contracts can be written based on. Some examples are. Stocks, ETFs, Commodities, Forex, Index. Undervalued - Describing a security that is trading at a lower price than it logically should. Usually determined by the use of a mathematical model. Variable Ratio Write - An option strategy in which the investor owns 100 shares of the underlying security and writes two call options against it, each option having a different striking price. Vertical Spread - Any option spread strategy in which the options have different striking prices, but the same expiration date. Read the full tutorial on Vertical Spreads . Vertical Ratio Spread - Vertical spreads that buy and short an unequal number of options on each leg. Read the full tutorial on Vertical Ratio Spreads . VIX - An index measuring the level of implied volatility in US index options and is used as a measurement of volatility in the US stock market. Read More About VIX . VIX Options - Non-equity options based on the CBOE VIX. Read More About VIX Options . Volatile - A stock or market that is expected to move up or down unexpectedly or drastically is known as a volatile market or stock. Volatile Strategy - An option strategy that is constructed to profit no matter if the underlying stock moves up or down quickly. Read All About Volatile Option Strategies . Volatility - A measure of the amount by which an underlying security is expected to fluctuate in a given period of time. Generally measured by the annual standard deviation of the daily price changes in the security, volatility is not equal to the Beta of the stock. Read More About Volatility . Volatility Crunch - A sudden, dramatic, drop in implied volatility resulting in a sharp reduction in extrinsic value and hence the price of options. Read More About Volatility Crunch . Volatility Index - Also known as VXN, is an index by the CBOE that measures volatility in the market using implied volatility of SP500 stock index options. Volatility Skew - A graphical characteristic of the implied volatility of options of the same underlying asset across different strikes forming a right skewed curve. Read More About Volatiliy Skew . Volatility Smile - A graphical characteristic of the implied volatility of options of the same underlying asset across different strikes forming the concave shape of a smile. Read More About Volatiliy Smile . Volume - The number of transactions that took place in a trading day. Read More About Volume and Open Interest . Write - To short an option. This is the act of creating a new options contract and selling it in the exchange using the Sell To Open order. The person who writes an option is known as the Writer. Read the full tutorial on Options Writing . WALK LIMITreg Order - WALK LIMITreg is a registered U. S trademark of optionsXpress Holdings Inc. covering securities and commodities trading and investment services and software. One of the services offered under the WALK LIMITreg mark is a type of automated limit order that walks your order from the National Best Bid or Offer (NBBO) in prescribed time and price increments up to (or down to) the asking price (bid price) in order to save you time while attempting to get the best fill prices for the orders. Important Disclaimer . Alternativ innebär risk och är inte lämpliga för alla investerare. Data and information is provided for informational purposes only, and is not intended for trading purposes. Neither optiontradingpedia, mastersoequity nor any of its data or content providers shall be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Data is deemed accurate but is not warranted or guaranteed. optiontradinpedia and mastersoequity are not a registered broker-dealer and does not endorse or recommend the services of any brokerage company. 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